How to boost your sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Posted on 28 October by Simon Gomez in E-Commerce

Black Friday is around the corner, and this is the perfect opportunity for you as a store owner to boost your sales and increase your revenue. As SaleCycle indicated, in the 2021 Black Friday, consumers spent $8.9 billion. But Black Friday is not the only ‘eCommerce holiday’ your store must prepare for and worry about. Cyber Monday occurs days after Black Friday, and it is also profitable for your company to participate. According to Adobe, clients spent $10.7 billion during Cyber Monday in 2021. Therefore, you must participate in these two events, and we are sharing some tips to boost your sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.      

1- Improve your eCommerce site speed  

One of the worst nightmares for an online shopper is navigating through a website that takes too long to load. According to Unbounce, 45% of people admit they are less likely to purchase on a website if the site loads slower than expected. Not only are your margins affected by slow loading times. Your SEO is also affected by this. In July 2018, Google announced that speed is a ranking factor for searches. Have a slow-loading page, and you won’t make it to Google’s first page.      

On the other hand, having a fast site increases your revenue. Deloitte showed that improving your load time by 0.1 seconds can boost conversion rates by 8%. So, before Black Friday and Cyber Monday start, work on your page loading speed!   

2- Check on your competitors 

During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you cannot forget your competitors. You have to monitor everything they do. Collect daily information about their prices, promotions, and stock levels. That information will allow you to see all possible price changes made by competitors during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. On the other hand, planning for these two days leads to better sales volume results and profits.      

PriceTweakers allows you to have that information in a few clicks. Plus, you can quickly change (increase or decrease) the prices of your products to stay in the game and never miss an opportunity. We help you save time and increase your profits. 

3- Offer free shipping 

Everybody loves free shipping. In the Q2 2021 Consumer Trends Report, Jungle Scout informed that free shipping was the number one reason to shop online for customers. The same report dictates that 66% of people expect free shipping on every purchase they make online. Shopping habits are changing, and if you want to sell more on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you need to offer your customers free shipping.       

4- Start an email campaign 

Before Black Friday and Cyber Monday begin, you should start an email campaign to bring potential customers to your store. As you know, buyers search for deals before these dates happen. Therefore, you must create an email campaign with teaser emails to excite your audience and make them want more promotions from your business. Optinmonster found that 60% of consumers purchased because they received a marketing email. 

Why have an email campaign for these dates? A study by Campaign Monitor revealed that during Black Friday, 116.5 million emails were sent on Black Friday, more than any other single day, and those emails saw the highest number of opens and clicked links. Emails sent announcing Cyber Monday also increased store conversions. Omnisend discovered that from 2019 to 2021, conversion rates jumped from 5.48% to 12.29%.   

During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you must send emails at the right time. Because if you send an email, for example, at 2 AM announcing a flash, nobody will see it in time, and when customers open it, the deal expires. MailerLite discovered that the best time to send an email is 10 AM because of high opening rates.        

5- Easier checkout experience 

Customers don’t like many steps in their checkout process. They want a simple system that will finish their checkout process. Accenture states that 87% of online shoppers abandon the cart if the checkout process is complex. Shoppers are looking for one-click options or different payment methods, such as PayPal, Apple Pay, and more.  

Offering guest checkout is another way to have a better checkout experience. Customers don’t like to create an account to finish a purchase. And especially on busy days like Black Friday, where every second counts to get the better deal. Therefore, eliminate the create account and offer guest checkout. Shopify mentioned that 24% of people abandon their online shopping cart because they have to create an account.   


Black Friday and Cyber Monday are enormous events for online store owners because it allows them to increase their sales during this period. Customers also take advantage of these days to grab products with exceptional deals. PriceTweakers offers you a solution in terms of pricing. We help you monitor the prices of your competitors 24/7. Plus, we have the Dynamic Pricing (DRS) module, where you can create pricing strategies that increase your margins.     

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Posted on 28 October by Simon Gomez in E-Commerce