Installation of PriceTweakers Repricer Shopware extension

To install the PriceTweakers Repricer Shopware 6 extension, follow these steps.

  1. On the Shopware store page, click Add to shopping cart.
  2. Click Proceed to checkout.
  3. Log into your Shopware account, review the order, accept the Terms and Conditions, and click Send order.
  4. Once the order is complete, open your Shopware 6 shop dashboard, click Extensions, and then choose My extensions.
  5. Find the PriceTweakers Repricer entry and click Install.
  6. On the pop-up modal, review the permissions you’ll be granting the PriceTweakers Repricer app and click Accept and install.

Linking the Shopware store to PriceTweakers

  1. Click on Open app.
  2. If you are not logged in into PriceTweakers you will be redirected to a sign-in page
  3. Register or sign in
  4. After the signing in, you will be redirected to page where you can Link your Shopware store to a PriceTweakers profile. Select an existing profile or create a new profile. Select a subscription. Click on Link my store

Disconnect Shopware 6

To disconnect the integration, you'll need to delete the connection from the Shopware 6 dashboard.

To delete the Shopware 6 integration, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Shopware 6 shop dashboard, click Extensions, and then choose My extensions.
  2. Find the PriceTweakers Repricer entry and click the ... icon.
  3. Choose Cancel and remove.
  4. On the pop-up modal, confirm your decision by clicking Cancel and remove.