Overview in your sales and dealers network with the right data

Product distributors

It is crucial for distributors or wholesalers to be aware of the movements in the online market and to see what changes in price and availability are taking place in the competition. Does everyone hold up to the target price as determined by the manufacturer or brand owner? Are the products also sold outside the sales channels known within the organization; in most cases, they are also offered through other online cross-border channels such as Google Shopping, Amazon,eBay, Rakuten en many more. We help you to give you insights into more than 68 countries?
It is in the interest of your dealers and resellers that there is no battle to the bottom and that nothing can be earned because this is always at the expense of the volume of the products you sell and the brand value. PriceTweakers gives you insight into all dealers and sales channels in transparent reporting and dashboards, which can be set up per representative, account manager, or internal sales employee if desired.