PriceTweakers has a Rakuten integration

We also reached Asia! The PriceTweakers integration for the Rakuten marketplace ensures that you have the best prices on the site and much more! We guarantee it is possible to change the prices of your products fast and automatically. That way, you are never behind your competitors and never losing your margins.   

Rakuten is a leading marketplace in Japan, a country that is the 3rd largest market for eCommerce, according to ecommercedb. So, it is vital to follow this market if your company plans to enter the Asian market. 

The Advantages of PriceTweakers


Get More Insight

Get access to up to date price comparison information based on the prices of your competitors. With reports, different graphs and price change notification on your best selling products, you obtain all the information you need to gain more insight into your business.The dashboard has unlimited possibilities for you and your co-workers so you can create more work environments with multiple tabs.



Save Time

We scan your competitors and process these in our software. We give you real-time information, and you don't have to look up or keep track of anything manually. By using DRS, you can make price changes automatically via an API connection. The goal is to save you and the company a lot of time allowing you to focus more and invest your time in other tasks for the company in order to achieve growth.



Increase Your Margin

Keep an eye on the competitors and see what price changes they are making in their pricing policy, so that you can make an informed decision that will increase margin and sales.
By using dynamic pricing and price elasticity (DRS), you can have this done entirely automatically. You can make strategies, business rules, and have everything automatically updated on your website.